About Us


CEGATE (College of Engineering, Guindy Alumni Trust for Empowerment – Regd. 64/2016)  was formed by 1993 batch Alumni’s of  College of Engineering, Guindy when the batch mates realized their potential while supporting the needy in Chennai Floods 2015.


How we started:
During the infamous 2015 December Chennai floods there was an overwhelming response from the CEG 1993 batch. We channeled all those emotions into action and jumped into relief work. Initially, a handful of us donated money and few volunteers in Chennai went to the field and helped the affected locals. There was transparency in the way the relief work was done and inspired by the way it was executed more donors felt confident that their money would be utilized for the purposes they were promised it would be. In a short span of time, 93 batch donated a little more than 7 lakh rupees.

We were able to do more relief work in two places in Chennai : Anakaputhur and Soolapallam. Moreover, we were able to donate money to Chidambaram and Cuddalore for more relief work.
Once the flood relief work was over the sense of satisfaction among the volunteers motivated them to do more. We decided to continue the good work in a more structured way. We started the trust CEGATE (CEG Alumni Trust for Empowerment) on March 10, 2016. The name for the trust and the board members were elected democratically. Few names were suggested, and everyone voted on it. Names with maximum votes were chosen.

Completed Projects

800 families
